Milk: Get Your Milk Moo-stache On!
Few foods are linked with so many soothing epithets … mother’s milk, milk of human kindness, land of milk & honey! And of course the ever famous milk mo0-stache. Though many think it a commodity,...
View ArticleWe All Scream for Ice Cream!
Cream is simply the higher fat portion of cow’s milk. Half & Half is an equal mixture of milk and cream at 10% fat. Whipping Cream contains 35% fat, doubles in volume when whipped and is dreamy...
View ArticleMeet Heather & George in the Woods!
I spent an absolutely delightful afternoon yesterday visiting Heather Balogh and her family at their farm near Mountain Grove (east of Kaladar) and, even though I’m on vacation right now in the Ottawa...
View ArticleSo what exactly do we mean when we say this food is sustainable?
People often ask us what we specifically mean when we say our food is local and sustainable. As food issues become more prominent in our society and lots of people seem to want in on the “organic”...
View ArticleCrème fraîche
Crème fraîche is fermented or soured milk. It’s similar to sour cream, but less sour tasting, thicker and with a higher fat content. It’s made by adding bacterial culture to cream. It originated,...
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